My Friends

Years so by, and lifes changes are many,
but a friendship like yours lasts forever. . .

Friends are as those persons in my life, who had given it a different look, by making my life enjoyable, and more...

Navodaya stars

My life at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya was all so enjoyable for me because i found really good , better to say great friends there, and i will ever miss in my life all that fun we used to do, all that differance that was with these friends only. hey friends if you are there, let me say today that I LOVE YOU.

Surya House stars

My one year of hostel life at Delhi while studying in MIIT. and i got few more friends of life, friends who will always be in my memories. these people let me see life a bit differently and brought a new differance to my life. friends thanks for all the way you cared me and loved me. I LOVE YOU GUYS.

IIIT stars be continued . . .

Friends of life

And when I was far away from all these friends, I still never felt alone because I had these friends who tamed my heart all the time, made me feel comfortable and lively and bring all the differance in my life. Friends I LOVE YOU all.

My Upasna

Ever dearest person for me, my best friend, and a very very true friend, and much more....... She is one who told me what friends are and what friends means for us, and made me feel the meaning and importance of friends.She taught me Love. Upasna made me feel the life. Therefore today she is the most beloved person for me and I just can't live without. I LOVE YOU UPASNA.

Friendship and love are unnecessary,
like philosophy, like art ...
they has no survival values
rather they are one of those things
that gives values to survivals